Ventilation Hoods
ICAN™ Project Photos:

Canopy hoods collecting welding smoke.

Backdraft hoods for brazing.

Custom hood for grinding dust.

Moving canopy hood for plasma table.

Backdraft hood for soldering.

Backdraft hoods control VOC fumes.
Application photos are used by permission of members of the Industrial Clean Air Network and are copyrighted by their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Whether you would like to include one or more hoods in a complete new industrial ventilation system or need to retrofit a hood into your existing dust collection system, your regional supplier can help. Every member distributor of the Industrial Clean Air Network offers hoods in standard sizes or customized to fit your application.
Even if a specific product is not available, your supplier may still be able to assist you with the needed service, or provide a comparable or even upgraded system.
Uses of Industrial Ventilation Hoods
Efficient Source Capture. Most hoods are either canopy style, positioned immediately above the industrial operation, or backdraft type, and are generally made of sheet metal. Ventilation hoods can be any size and shape to fit the operation, from a small hood for use by one welder or solderer, or one person applying adhesive (to capture VOC fumes) to large hoods for use with large mixers or bag dumps and large canopy hoods situated over welding robots or industrial ovens.
Types of contaminants collected by industrial ventilation hoods include welding, brazing, and soldering smoke, food dust, pharmaceutical powders, chemical fumes, hot oven smoke, plasma dust, laser dust, VOC fumes, and metal grinding dust.
Industrial processes that can benefit from the use of ventilation hoods include welding, air gouging, brazing, or soldering, mixing, bag dumping, grinding, chemical processing, food processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, plasma arc cutting, laser cutting, and commercial kitchens.
Advantages of Industrial Ventilation Hoods
- Efficient Use of Space. A central dust collector can be located outside the building to service a large series of hoods, thus requiring no floor space for ventilation. Hoods can be designed to fit each operation.
- Efficient Source Capture. Canopy hoods are often used for thermal processes where the air is moving up anyway. In any case, as source collectors, hoods are much more efficient than general ventilation or a large booth that requires a much higher air flow rate. Effective use of well designed hood reduces the amount of air needed to collect the contaminants. For open type hoods connected to a central collector, 100-200 feet per minute velocity across the face of the hood is usually adequate. For example, if the operation is 2 ft x 4 ft., at 200 feet per minute that is 1600 cfm. Because of the lower capture velocity required for hoods, a general rule of thumb is that "every dollar spent on a hood will save you ten dollars on operating a dust collector."
- Safe Handling of Hazardous Contaminants. Dangerous materials can be collected directly into hoods and combined into one collector outside the building.
The Industrial Clean Air Network exists to help industries and commercial interests throughout North America find local access to quality air services. ICAN™ Distributors sell, install, and service dust collectors, air cleaners, mist units, fume extractors, vehicle exhaust systems, and other industrial ventilation products. Each ICAN™ member is an independent distributor who represents various manufacturers, offers personal service, and individually guarantees air quality satisfaction to every customer. ICAN™ Distributors provide industrial air filtration equipment throughout the contiguous United States, Canada, and Mexico.